Career Change Fears - Beyond Success Pt. 5/5


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In the final episode of the "Career Change Fears" podcast series, the conversation delves deeper into the themes of hope and faith, how it relates to navigating uncertainty, and the different ways that our emotions can interfere with our ability to make a successful career change.

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0:00 - Intro

0:12 - To Kill your Ego, Can you Eat Sh**?

5:12 - Is your story different?

7:57 - The power of hope and faith in overcoming difficult experiences

9:22 - The difference between faith and hope

11:47 - Perspectives while navigating a career change

13:00 - Closing out conclusion

14:58 - Tell us your thoughts

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In Episode five, the last episode in Career Change Fears, we delve into the themes of hope and faith. Moises challenges Jay on his perspectives on success and we also look at how that connects to spirituality. Enjoy.

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No, that's true. And I think that really goes back to the whole topic today of of seeing the bigger picture and having that confidence in yourself and and having different points of views being provided for you with with friends and family. And I guess not just friends and family, but business acquaintances and people that you look up to like, you know, like work mentors and stuff like that, where they they show you a different side to your idea and it really helps you navigate.

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It gives you the tools to help navigate what you want to do and hopefully give you the tools to to, you know, speak up and and make that change that you need to make or not make the change and be like, maybe you need to wait a little bit more because you're not ready. And these are the reasons why I don't think you're ready because I think what a lot of people are, too, is that they think that they might be more ready than they actually are.

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And like, oh, you have that ego, but you don't have the tools.

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(whispers) Rances doesn’t agree with you.

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No, that's fine. I don't

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you know how you know.

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When he...

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When Rances cheeks does this thing with his face

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He starts clenching.

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he does this thing with his face, like the arrogance comes out.

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No. And that's and that's fine. That's the whole point of this. But I think with certain people, I look at it from a boxing standpoint, like I do sparring on Sundays and there's a lot of new guys who they go into it and they're like, I want to spar with this guy right here because I think and I'm like, All right, you know, there's so much more to this than you just trying to throw hard at me, like I'm going to make you look silly now.

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And it's it's learning. You're learning where you're at. And I think boxing I'll use that as an analogy. For now, it's learning where you're at because like, even though, like, I think that I've become a decent boxer, I sparred with a guy today who I've never sparred before and he beat the shit out of me. He made me feel slow.

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I'm normally known for having really good footwork and dancing around everybody. He made me feel like I had led in my shoes.

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So you weren't ready?

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I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to deal with that caliber of fighter in that day

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is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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It's a good thing. It's a good thing in the sense that it let me know where I was, you know? And it's like, okay, you have to work in these certain things kind of thing. And now whether or not that means I should spar with him again, that doesn’t mean i shouldn’t spar with him again. But it lets me know where I'm at.

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And I think.

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So. Do you do you associate being ready with being successful?

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No, I don't associate with being successful by associated with taking on a certain task.

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Mm hmm. But you did

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sense. Yeah. Blindly.

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So, are you ready?

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Why weren't you ready?

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Because there is somebody who is. But it's just my skills aren't there yet. It's just.

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You weren't successful?

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So you associate being ready with being successful?

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It's not that... Fuck You lol, I'm not expressing myself clearly. And so it's not that. It's it's more so being able to hold your own. I was able to hold my own because I had that dog in me. That's like, I'm going to survive this no matter how many times he hits me, no matter how.

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I was. Ready to take an ass whipping. Yeah, I was ready to take an ass whipping and I think. Yes, he ready said fuck you guys, you're making a lot of sense right now. And that's what I love about this

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The power of fucking coaching.

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You know? So, okay, so I'll, I'll, I'll run it back for a second. I think you have to be ready to take an ass whipping. And I think if you're not strong enough to take an ass whipping, it's going to be very hard to make a change.

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Yes, exactly. Yes. That yes.

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I think I think that's what that's what I was really trying to get at. It's that you have to be willing to eat shit. Sometimes you have to be okay with eating shit because, you know, it's part of the progress of it.

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And are you ever ready to really eat? It's like it's understanding that.

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It's it's it's knowing that you can. And I think and I think that sometimes it's.

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Of knowing that you're not going to quit if you eat shit

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Yeah. And it's ego and it comes with checking your ego sometimes.

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And the where do we use that vulnerability. Yeah. You know.

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Being willing to be vulnerable. Right. You getting your ass b as you sit in there. And this is I love martial arts because of this. It lets you it forces you to deal with your vulnerabilities head on like anything that you can imagine. Because I love people who no. Have any experience like, no, no, I would have done this and then I would listen and then they tell you to do it and no move slow.

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Move to slower.

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And that that's like that's like everybody that's like I see people watching. I think Trevor Noah talked about this and one of his things is like people, athletes playing soccer, basketball on the corner and like, oh, you stupid, why don't you go that way? And it's like, I was like, Motherfucker, you're not like, how would you how would you even know which way to go?

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Like, you're not in the one place you're not the one playing.

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But can't you think about anything that we've talked about today? You know, that's the beauty of it.

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But that that's the great part of what I was saying before, because I wanted to come back to that with everything that we said and the monologue that I had. And then you and Moises. And it comes off as arrogance, like Moses talked about, because it's like there's an element there where someone can be listening to this and be like, You don’t fucking know what I've gone through.

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All right, so you to be like, Oh, is our perspective. All that stuff is bullshit. But the key factor that boils all of that down is the hope perspective because like, is like absolutely everything that you've suffered. It's all valid. Your emotions about it are valid, your experience are valid. That's not what we're saying. That's that's not it's not to dismiss that.

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It's holding on to hope. And if you can hold on to hope now those experiences become a point of leverage, right? Because like, again, going like my reference points always is like when you look at someone who's gone through something horrible. Yeah. And basically someone goes through something horrible and they come out the other side empowered is like, that's the model that we want to reproduce as much as possible with everyone.

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So when you see like that, that Buddhist monk who lit himself on fire, he killed himself as a protest, lit himself on fire in the lotus pose and didn't even twitch as he died by burning. If that level of mastery is possible in a human being, then what we can learn from that. It's not that oh, you haven't gone through anything rough is.

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No, you have, there's points of power that you haven't even reached within yourself. And that's the hope that I personally want to express with all of that. It's not that the experiences don't matter is that there's points of empowerment always available in whatever situation you go to, even if the only option is death, right, that you are facing death in the face, you're going to die.

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You know that like this individual and you're able to still maintain that peace. It doesn't matter. Like and this goes into like the spiritual realm is like, fuck you mean it doesn't matter. I'm going to die. Yeah, but if you can't be, you can be broken even when facing death. To me, that's the ultimate form where in spirituality they call enlightenment.

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But there's a practical use for it in our culture, in our environment, in just our experiences as human beings.

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I think that's a great clarification of of everything we've talked about today, because I think, you know, like when you talked about like the Holocaust and stuff like that, you think about like people who've gone through really throughout history, people who've gone through like really terrible things and come out of it a different way has a lot to do with hope and faith.

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You know, I mean, for people who aren't exactly religious, it's hope, you know. But if you're religious, it's faith, you know? I mean, and those people, the ones that I feel like they're very mentally strong because they're so devout in their faith, they're so devout in their hope, where it's like, Yeah, it sucks, but it's going to get better because it has no other choice but to get better kind of thing.

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And with faith, it's like, God is here. God's going to help me. I'm going through this right now. But there's a reason for this. He has a plan, so it's always interesting to see people with faith use. I'm not going to say an imaginary thing because that's fucked up, but to use.

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It's all an imaginary.

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Thing. Everything's everything, everything.

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Everything's a Imaginary Everything is Imaginary.

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An effort to use a religious figure as as their base of hope

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It's not any different than us creating the story of ourselves. Right? Like know if we have hope and we see a vision for ourselves. Right? And we're the main character in that story. It's the same concept as if we're reading the Bible and the stories from the Bible.

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One would say, We're all God.

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And that's that's the that's a key element of the differences between a lot of religions and a lot of spirituality practices. And so it's the concept of it being internal or external, a recently had a conversation about hope and faith. We were literally debating this Evelyn. We were talking about the same concept with what's the difference between hope and faith, right?

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And what we came up with was basically hope is that internal, while faith is that external, to me faith is a little bit more vulnerable because because of the fact that is external, it could be influenced more to be taken away from you or

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You mean vulnerable in the sense that.

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A vulnerable.

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Fragile. A bit more fragile.

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Yes. Yeah. Different than the vulnerability we were talking about earlier, because if you know, your faith is based off of your religion and so on and so forth.

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It can be influenced from external sources.

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And it can be used to have fear in all these other different things that you see throughout history that religion gets used for. And that's where I think that's where faith always is, is a little scary for me because you can it can be manipulated and with hope. It's kind of the same thing that it can be manipulated, but it's not somebody else telling me where my hope comes from.

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Essentially, instead of with religion, it's like, Oh, well, they say in the Bible, it says that, you know, man, a man is on that one line, says, you know what I mean? Like it's that kind of thing. Yeah. You know. Well, so according to.

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You, this is where I think the idea of right and wrong come into play where if you believe something is right, then hard, like there's either right or wrong in faith. Yes, you can be easily influenced because therefore, if this is the right thing, then what the other person says and the other possible perspectives that exist in the faith, right are are invalid to you.

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Therefore, how can you find any other solution? This is the way God is telling me that this is happening to me. And the same thing can happen with your own hope, right? You can believe something is right or wrong, and in your head you can be in here. You can have a fucking business and be in the trenches for 20 years and be doing something wrong or right for those 20 years and believe in the shit that you have and still have hope and be stuck there.

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So yes, hope and faith are important. There's the belief. But I think to to kind of stack it on top that like if you were to stack the next thing on top of that, it's the idea that you're looking and seeking to be curious in where you are, right or wrong or the idea of where not so much right or wrong, but the idea that you are looking for what's working and what's not work.

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Validation is in a sense in your belief.

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Now, I don't know about validation... but I'm saying like what's working and not working versus what's right and wrong. Like, what does that mean? What's serving me and what's not serving me?

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And what determines that is the intention.

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The intention in the why.

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So if you're working towards towards you know, if I'm working towards being a millionaire, right? And the business strategy that I'm doing is not taking me closer. I'm not making more money than I'm feeling at that intention. Right. But if I'm working to help hundreds of people and I'm not becoming a millionaire along the way, but I'm helping hundreds of people, then that becomes a whole different perspective.

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Whole different ballgame.

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Yeah, it's called. And is it? I think when I pee is when I need to pee and say.

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Okay, you got to get it.

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I got I got a pee

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I think.

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This should be the end of the.

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Episode. All right, guys, we'll get us going. Another episode. We could do this for, like, hours. I feel like if you were warm.

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So, yeah, if it was warmer.

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And I.

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Was, this would be a Joe Rogan level podcast jumping all over the place. Well, this is our first try at this, guys. I hope you enjoy it, because I actually had a lot of fun talking with you guys. I like this because it feels natural. And I think that's that's the beauty of this, of having friends talk, especially having you guys talk, because I can be real cynical.

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And as I talk, it's like, Oh, okay, this is what you're saying. Like, Fuck, this is what I'm saying. You're right. I love this. And yes, you're going to if you're going to change your job, just fucking do it up in a pussy. Just do it. Just talk to your friends, talk to your loved ones and figure it out.

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It's all make believe.

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It's nothing's real. We're all in a matrix.

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The simulation.

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It's all simulation. We're going to die eventually. Just fucking do whatever you want.

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So just learn to code and reprogram.

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Leave your family, do whatever it is you have to do to speak it.

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Don't leave your family.

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If your family sucks, leave them.

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Why Moises is it wrong to leave your family? Yes.

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It's a gray area. What if.

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You can? What if you hurt people?

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Okay, but what if that hurt? But what if you're like with a family of sociopaths that are murderers and you're the non-murderer in the family?

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That's a pretty interesting scenario.

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That's a good movie right there. Right? That one.

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That there probably is a movie that exists.

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Of course, there's it's Dexter season four.

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I never watch that.

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So it's a good show. Yeah. Anyway, guys that was Mindset U. You. We'll see you guys soon.

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Jason here with Mindset U and I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for tuning in and watching us every week since Mindset was taking a different approach, we need your help coming up with new topics of stuff that you want to hear so that we can give you the best quality possible, the best content possible in general.

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It's fun. Come on, help us out. Help us help you. Anyway, you can head over to Vito Project, watch any of the old episodes and any of the new upcoming episodes are coming. You can also check us out on Instagram and YouTube and anywhere else you could possibly think of that you want to be. Let us know. We'll be there.

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All right. Thank you so much.

Rances Perez1 Comment